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In this course, we will learn:
1.What is the meaning of Data? What is the meaning of Information? What is the difference between Data and Information?
2.What is meant by Database?
3.Databases can be classified into two types. What are those types? Discuss. or
What is Flat file database and Relational Database?
4.What is DBMS? What are the features of DBMS? What is the difference between DBMS and Flat File?
5.DBMS is used for various business activities. Give examples. Or
What are the applications of DBMS?
6.What are the various advantages of database or DBMS?
7.What is the meaning of data redundancy?
8.What is meant by data consistency?
9.What are the various disadvantages of DBMS?
10.What are the various components of DBMS?
11. What is the meaning of database servers?
12. What is meant by RDBMS?
13. What are the advantages of Relational Databse?
14. What is the meaning of i) Item ii) Record iii) field iv) value
15. What are the key features of a database?
16. What is meant by DML, SQL and DDL?
17. What is the meaning of Primary Key and Foreign Key?
18. What is the meaning of Composite Primary Key?
and much more....
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In this course, we will learn: 1.What is the meaning of Data? What is the meaning of Information? What is the difference between Data and Information? 2.What is meant by Database? 3.Databases can be classified into two types. What are those types? Discuss. or What is Flat file database and Relational Database? 4.What is DBMS? What are the features of DBMS? What is the difference between DBMS and Flat File? 5.DBMS is used for various business activities. Give examples. Or What are the applications of DBMS? 6.What are the various advantages of database or DBMS? 7.What is the meaning of data redundancy? 8.What is meant by data consistency? 9.What are the various disadvantages of DBMS? 10.What are the various components of DBMS? 11. What is the meaning of database servers? 12. What is meant by RDBMS? 13. What are the advantages of Relational Databse? 14. What is the meaning of i) Item ii) Record iii) field iv) value 15. What are the key features of a database? 16. What is meant by DML, SQL and DDL? 17. What is the meaning of Primary Key and Foreign Key? 18. What is the meaning of Composite Primary Key?
1. What is the meaning of Data? 2. What is the meaning of Information? 3. What is the difference between Data and Information? 4. What is the meaning of Database? 5. Databases can be classified into 2 types. What are those types? Discuss.
1. What is the meaning of DBMS? 2. What are the various features of DBMS? 3. DBMS Vs. Flat file 4. DBMS is used for various business activities. Give examples. Or What are the applications of DBMS? 5. What are the advantages of Database or DBMS? 6. What is the meaning of Data Redundancy and Data Consistency? 7. What are the disadvantages of DBMS? 8. When not to use a DMS System?
1. What are the various components of DBMS? 2. What is the meaning of DBA? 3. Name the three kinds of people who play different roles in database system? 4. What is the meaning of RDBMS? 5. What are the advantages of RDBMS/ Relational Database? 6. What is the meaning of DML, SQL and DDL? 7. What is the meaning of Primary Key, Composite Primary Key and Foreign Key? 8. Why a primary key from one table is used in second table? 9. Whether a table can have more than one primary key?
1. Write a note on Database concepts? 2. What is the meaning of Item? 3. What is the meaning of Row & Column/Field? 4. What is the meaning of Record? 5. What is the meaning of Value? 6. What are the key features of a database? 7. What is the meaning of Key field? 8. Write a short note on the working of a Database? 9. Recap
1.Which of the following is not the advantage of database? a) Sharing of data b) Increases Data inconsistency c) Reduces data redundancy d) Data security 2. A _____________ is the actual text or numerical amount or date that you put in while adding information to your database. i)record ii)data iii)value iv)entry 3. RDBMS is based on the relational model introduced by i) Henry Ford ii) E.F.Codd iii) Both (i) and (ii) iv) None of these 4. All the values in ________ are of same type. (a) Records (b) Table (c ) Database (d) Fields 5. Which of the following helps to maintain unique record in the table? (a) Composite Key (b) Primary Key (c ) Foreign Key 6. A foreign key is a reference of the ________________ key in another table. (a)Candidate Key (b) Primary Key (c ) None of the above. 7. Misuse of the database can be categorized as being either ________ or _________. (i)Confidentiality, integrity ii) Accidental, intentional iii) None of above 8. A database stores and processes data in the form of i)Rows ii)Tables iii)Columns iv)All of these 9. ____________ are the collection of different types of information about the same subject. (i) Tables (ii) Records (iii) Fields 10. Which of the following is not an example of database? (i)Employee payroll management system (ii) Customer management system (iii) Numeric calculator 11. Data is stored in RDBMS in the form of (a) table (b) query (c) report (d) record 12 . All the information about a thing or a person is known as a (a) database (b) file (c) field (d) record 13. Duplication of data is known as (a) data security (b) data incomplete (c) data redundancy (d) None of these 14. A field in a table is also called as ………………… . (i) row (ii) table (iii) column 15. In database, all the data are stored at a ……………. location. (i) different (ii) centralized 16. If a piece of data (field value) is stored in two places in the database, then storage space is wasted and changing the data in one place will not cause data inconsistency. (a) False (b) True 17. A table can have multiple primary keys. (a) True (b) False 18. 18. Which of the following is not valid field of table “Student”? a) Admn. No. b) Name c) Fees d) Salary
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