Postgresql PL/PGSQL Functions in-depth part-1

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Mohammed Al Saadi

Language of video: EN (English)

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This course includes:

02h 00m on-demand videos

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What are We Going to Teach:

If you are a database developer and you put performance as goal to achieve with your DB design...then using PL/PGSQL functions is your excellent tool.

In this course we will learn all about functions :

Usage benifits.

Structure & structure components.

Syntax to create a function.

And the core part of any function which is the body ... we will see with examples of which parts the body build.

We see the different kinds of implementations in the body  , starting with the variables, queries and the return results.

We see with examples the different datatypes that we can RETURNS from a function

We see the parameters that we can use to create a function .

How to deal with different types of data that we process in a function such as ARRAY and mix data types value…

How to RETURNS TABLES, RECORDS or Scalar variables.

How to use special queries such as insert ,update ,delete with returning ... or use INTO clause and how to apply FOR & FOREACH Loops

how to use PERFORM and EXECUTE

All this we will practice with live examples on a postgresql server.

P.S : THIS FUNCTIONS course in total  consist of 2 parts with more than 15 videos divided in 2 parts in compliance with rules

Target Audience:
  • Postgresql developrs whish to improve performance by using the PG Functions
Course objective:
  • Improve your database performance with PL/PGSQL Functions
Course prerequisites:
  • basic knowledge of Postgresql

Description :

Lear what are Postgresql functions and their benifets.

.Learn what are Postgresql functions and their benifets.

How to apply each function type in a Postgresql server.

practice with examples of all types of functions/



John Doe

Mohammed Al Saadi

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10 years practical experience with Postgresql database... and Postgres Pro :

1- Databases (cluster)

3a- Install fully encrypted cluster of databases from customized package.

3b- Create databases,tables,views,domains .

3c- Assign permissions(Roles & Authorities) to users.

3d- Replicate(backup) the master server cluster to a replica server...for Postgresql and PosftresPro.

3e- Optimize queries performance with indexes ,Partitioning of tables & Sharding of databases.

3f- extensive knowledge of PL/PGSQL(Triggeres,Functions & Procedures)

3f- Logging and monitoring of database activities.

2- Create SSL certificates for the Server,Intermediate,Chain,Client .

3- ERD & EER diagrams for database ..and converting the diagram into database Physical Data Model.

4- Apply Postgresql to Android applications & Web Applications

5- Flutter : Build android application user interface (U.I).

6- Ubuntu server : install & optimize.

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Course Content : Expand all sections

  • 1 sections
  • 7 lectures
  • 02h 00m total length

General information about the Functions structure

Create a function structure

Types of variables and parameters we can use with functions

Function body implementations and queries

What are data types we can RETURNS from a function

All implementations of RETURNS RECORD composite type with SELECT query

Function RETURNS RECORD composite type using insert/update/delete with RETURNING

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