Binary, Octal, Decimal & Hexadecimal Numbers and Their Conversions

USD 57.86 USD 43.40

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Ma. Jimda T. Mariano

Language of video: EN (English)

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This course includes:

01h 44m on-demand videos

3 downloadable resources

Full lifetime access

Certificate of completion

teaching method:
Lessons are presented in video format with downloadable resources for the assessment and follow-up exercises. Two instructors alternately present the lesson in the entire course.
What are We Going to Teach:

This course teaches about the:

  • nature of the number systems and the notations used in writing these systems
  • the conversion process between the four popular and commonly used number systems in computers and technology development namely BINARY, OCTAL, DECIMAL and HEXADECIMAL and a glimpse of base 32 and base 64 number systems
  • Jimda Plotting base number conversion technique
  • introduction of softskill surrounding critical thinking thru the fundamental approach in the pedagogy used
Target Audience:
  • Grade school learners who can already recognize numbers and those who want to learn an advance topic in Computer Math
  • Teen-age learners who want to know if STEM allied course is a fit in their academic interest
  • Adult life-long learners and career shifters for technology jobs
  • Individuals looking for easy math and analytical problem solving activities
Course objective:
  • Understand the notations used in presenting numbers
  • Convert between binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal numbers with ease
  • Use the Jimda Plotter correctly as a quick technique in manually solving for the equivalent number system
  • Develop a sound, beginner level, soft and critical thinking skills thru the conduct of the course and from the series of assessment activities
Course prerequisites:
  • It is best that learners can already recognize the decimal number system, can follow English instructions in a video-audio format and has auditory capability to the audio part of the learning material to fully appreciate the course

Description :

Convert between BINARY, OCTAL, DECIMAL & HEXADECIMAL numbers with ease and increase your analytical and critical thinking skills.

John Doe

Ma. Jimda T. Mariano

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Master of Science in Engineering Education (24 units)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering.

University Instructor, hydroponics enthusiast and technical writer.

Currently developing curriculums for Hydroponics Engineering, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence for the Modern World last but not the least, completing certification for Data Engineering.

Passionate about caring for the environment and in empowering the youth thru e-learnng. 

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Average Rating :

  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1


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Course Content : Expand all sections

  • 5 sections
  • 16 lectures
  • 01h 44m total length

Identify the different number systems, the digits used and understand how magnitude and scalar values are used in everyday life

Understand the weight or magnitude of a digit based in its position or placement and express the value in the conventional or expanded format

Know the power notation and magnitude of every numerical digit in binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal integer expression

Know the power notation and magnitude of every numerical digit in binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal FRACTIONAL values

Learn the process involved in converting an INTEGER OR WHOLE DECIMAL number into its BINARY equivalent and use the long and short method checking of results

Gain MASTERY in converting Integer Decimal numbers into its Binary equivalent and in using the long and short method checking of final results

Learn the process involved in converting FRACTIONAL Decimal numbers into its Binary equivalent and use the long and short methods to check the results

Identify the numerical digits used in the OCTAL number system and learn how to count in OCTAL

Understand the conversion process in detail and master the use of the short and long method techniques

Learn the DECIMAL to OCTAL Long Conversion Method - the successive division by 8

Master the short and long methods of conversion between DECIMAL and OCTAL numbers and sharpen the skill in checking the result

Learn the alternative method in converting DECIMAL numbers into Octal involving BINARY numbers

Learn the structured, neat and efficient way of converting Decimal numbers into Hexadecimal and accurately plot values using the Jimda Plotter, the Number Conversion Cheat Sheet

Obtain mastery in converting the equivalent of any number system with great speed and accuracy; train the brain and harness above-average analytical and critical thinking skills through the focus plotting and derivation process

Jimda Plotter PORTRAIT lay-out for ABCLearnings.pdf

This assessment will determine the depth of the student's understanding and acquisition of the skill presented in the course. At the moment. the assessment material is a 2-page downloadable PDF file which needs to be printed by the student/learner, answered and resubmitted to the course author via email for checking. When a passing remark is obtained, a certificate of completion will then be issued to the learner, also via e-mail. In the event the student/learner did not obtain a passing mark, another assessment may be taken until a passing mark is reached. Congratulations for having reached this portion of the course and all the best to your course assessment.

Course Assessment ABCLearnings.pdf

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