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Computer Virus - Definition, Types, Spread and Prevention
A computer virus is a malicious software program which has the ability to make copies of itself. The computer virus infects the files and programs present on the computer system without the knowledge or permission of the user. It spreads from one computer to another, leaving infections as it travels. Almost all viruses are attached to an executable file, which means that the virus may exist on a system but will not be active or able to spread until a user runs or opens the malicious host file or program.
There are a lot of viruses in the world and new viruses are coming up every day. It is good to be aware of viruses and other malware so that we may take necessary actions to protect our system from them rather than being sorry. Computer viruses are a cause of great concern as they cause billions of dollars’ worth harm to the economy each year. So let us understand some more points about Computer Virus.
1)What is a computer virus?
2)What are the different types of computer virus?
3)What are the symptoms of computer virus?
4)Why people create virus?
5)What a computer virus can do?
6)How viruses enter in the computer?
7)How to protect computer from virus?
8)Also, we will read what is an Anti-virus and why it is required in our computer devices?
and much more…….
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1)What is a computer virus? 2)What are its different types? 3)What are the symptoms of computer virus? 4)Why people create virus? 5)What a computer virus can do? 6)How viruses enter in the computer? 7)How to protect computer from virus? 8)Also, we will read what is an Anti-virus and why it is required in our computer devices and much more…….
1.What is a computer virus? 2. Difference between Virus vs. Malware 3. Ransomware vs. Virus 4. Is Trojan a Virus?
1. What is the difference between Computer virus and worm? 2. What are the different types of Computer Virus?
1.Why do people create Purpose of creating computer virus? 2. What are the symptoms of virus? 3. What a computer virus can do? 4. What are the top sources of computer virus attack? or How do computer viruses spread? or How viruses enter in your computer?
1.How to protect your computer from Virus? 2. What to do on suspecting virus attack? 3.What is an Anti-Virus? How an anti virus works? 4. Do we need both antivirus and malware protection?
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