Conservation of Plants and Animals


Prabh Kirpa Classes

Language of video: EN (English)

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01h 25m on-demand videos

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Target Audience:
  • All the persons who are interested in conservation of plants and animals
Course objective:
  • To make the persons aware of the need of conservation of plants and animals

Description :

Deforestation is the removal of a forest or stand of trees from land and using that land for other purposes.

- Causes of Deforestation are man-made as well as natural.

- Deforestation is causing immense damage in the form of increase in temperature, droughts, floods, desertification,  loss of habitat of animals and plants, etc.

- We must conserve forests as they provide home to nearly half of all species found on earth. Forests preserve biodiversity and reduce air pollution by filtering the air.

- The forests can be conserved by controlling forests fires and  planting more trees. We should spray chemicals & antibiotics to protect forests from pests and diseases.

-  Wildlife conservation is important as it protects biodiversity, promotes tourism and  provides jobs to lacs of people etc.

- We can conserve wildlife by putting an end to unauthorized cutting of forest trees, moving towards a plant-based diet, by establishing more number of national parks and sanctuaries etc.

- Each plant and animal has its own role to play in the ecosystem. All the species of plants and animals form part of food chains and food webs.  If we go on cutting trees and and do not take necessary steps to conserve forests and wildlife, the day is not far when human race would also be in great danger.

John Doe

Prabh Kirpa Classes

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Course Content : Expand all sections

  • 1 sections
  • 7 lectures
  • 01h 25m total length


1. What is the meaning of Deforestation? 2. What are the man-made causes of Deforestation? 3. What are the natural causes of Deforestation? 4. What are the various consequences of Deforestation? 5. How does deforestation reduce rainfall on the one hand and lead to floods on the other? 6. What is meant by Desertification? 7. What is meant by human-wildlife conflict? 8. How deforestation adversely effects indigenous communities?

1. Why is it beneficial to conserve forests? 2. What steps can be taken to conserve forests? 3. What is the meaning of Selective cutting, Clear cutting and Shelterwood cutting? 4. What is the meaning of wildlife and wildlife conservation? 5. Why is it important to conserve wildlife? 6. How wildlife conservation creates jobs and promotes tourism? 7. What are the various causes of wildlife destruction? 8. How can we conserve wildlife?

1. Are only big animals facing extinction? 2. Why Endangered Species Day is celebrated annually? 3. What is meant by Protected Area? 4. What is meant by Biosphere Reserve and Wildlife Sanctuary? 5. Write a short note on Flora and Fauna. 6. What is meant by Endemic Species? 7. Write a short note on National Park?

1. What is the meaning of Endangered Species? 2. Whether the extinction and reduction of some animal species disrupt the earth’s ecosystem? 3. What is meant by Red Data Book? 4. Write a short note on migration of birds. 5. When World Migratory Bird Day is celebrated? 6. Why should we recycle paper? 7. Write a short note on Reforestation? 8. What will happen if all the forests are destroyed? 9. Recap

1. Fill in the blanks. (a) A place where animals are protected in their natural habitat is called ____________ . (b) Species found only in a particular area is known as ___________. (c) Migratory birds fly to far away places because of changes. 2. Differentiate between the following. (a) Wildlife sanctuary and biosphere reserve (b) Zoo and wildlife sanctuary (c) Endangered and extinct species (d) Flora and faun 3. Discuss the effects of deforestation on the following. (a) Wild animals (b) Environment (c) Villages (Rural areas) (d) Cities (Urban areas) (e) Earth (f) The next generation

4. What will happen if (a) we go on cutting trees. (b) the habitat of an animal is disturbed. (c) the top layer of soil is exposed. 5. Answer in brief. (a) Why should we conserve biodiversity? (b) Protected forests are also not completely safe for wild animals. Why? (c) Some tribals depend on the jungle. How? (d) What are the causes and consequences of deforestation? (e) What is Red Data Book? (f) What do you understand by the term migration? 6. In order to meet the ever-increasing demand in factories and for shelter, trees are being continually cut. Is it justified to cut trees for such projects? Discuss and prepare a brief report. 7. How can you contribute to the maintenance of green wealth of your locality? Make a list of actions to be taken by you. 8. Explain how deforestation leads to reduced rainfall. 9. Find out about national parks in your state. Identify and show their location on the outline map of India. 10. Why should paper be saved? Prepare a list of ways by which you can save paper. 11. Complete the word puzzle. Down 1. Species on the verge of extinction. 2. A book carrying information about endangered species. 5. Consequence of deforestation. Across 1. Species which have vanished. 3. Species found only in a particular habitat. 4. Variety of plants, animals and microorganisms found in an area.

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