Postgresql Triggers in-depth

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Mohammed Al Saadi

Language of video: EN (English)

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This course includes:

01h 42m on-demand videos

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What are We Going to Teach:

This course about Procedural Language of Postgresql  servers, in this course we talk about the first type of the PL.PGSQL that is the Triggers in depth...what are the triggers , why we use them, their types and when we use these types.

We will explain all this with examples on a real Postgresql server and a database with tables were we all apply all types of triggers on different tables to see how these triggers will effect changes in out tables.

Then we will see what are the special points we need pay attention to when using the triggers, such points that can have big impact on the result that our queries we apply on the database.

During the course will provide you with sources from the manual of Postgresql to double heck about your implementations of the triggers on your Postgresql database tables.

In this course we will talk about a special type if PL/PGSQL Functions that is called the Triggers Functions and their use with the Triggers...

We also will see the effect of both the Triggers Functions types...and how each type can be joind with each type of the triggers (i.e, the per-statement & per-row triggers).

Practice System needed:
  • Postgresql Server
Target Audience:
  • Database developers & Programmers wish to optimize their database performance
Course objective:
  • Improve Database Speed Performance with PL/PGSQL
Course prerequisites:
  • knowledge of Postgresql database basics , Knowledge of SQL basics

Description :

Understanding the concept of Pl/PGSQL.

Defining Types of Postgresql PL/PGSQL.

Understanding Triggers and their role in a program.

Defining types of Triggers with Examples of the types

John Doe

Mohammed Al Saadi

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10 years practical experience with Postgresql database... and Postgres Pro :

1- Databases (cluster)

3a- Install fully encrypted cluster of databases from customized package.

3b- Create databases,tables,views,domains .

3c- Assign permissions(Roles & Authorities) to users.

3d- Replicate(backup) the master server cluster to a replica server...for Postgresql and PosftresPro.

3e- Optimize queries performance with indexes ,Partitioning of tables & Sharding of databases.

3f- extensive knowledge of PL/PGSQL(Triggeres,Functions & Procedures)

3f- Logging and monitoring of database activities.

2- Create SSL certificates for the Server,Intermediate,Chain,Client .

3- ERD & EER diagrams for database ..and converting the diagram into database Physical Data Model.

4- Apply Postgresql to Android applications & Web Applications

5- Flutter : Build android application user interface (U.I).

6- Ubuntu server : install & optimize.

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Course Content : Expand all sections

  • 1 sections
  • 5 lectures
  • 01h 42m total length

Postgresql PL/PGSQL Triggers Introduction

The 1st type of Triggers..the per-statement trigger

The 2nd type of triggers .. the  per-row trigger


The 2nd type of the Triggers function ..Trigger Event.


Important notices to give attention to when adding multiple triggers to table.

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