Algorithmic Series Level 2 Serie 1 | Development of Thinking Skills (DTS)

USD 6.00 USD 4.50

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Arturo Juárez Muñoz

Language of video: EN (English)

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This course includes:

00h 17m on-demand videos

4 downloadable resources

Full lifetime access

Certificate of completion

teaching method:
Published Micro Course
What are We Going to Teach:

I need it...   |  Development of Thinking Skills

If you are convinced about it, You will develop or reorient your actual skills about Verbal and Mathematical reasoning, 
trough a knowing and exercising those tools. This Course will promote new vision for it.

I want it...   |  Enhancement of Thinking Skills

The second point is to work in favor of those convictions. Whether you are a child, a young student or a professional, your brain never stops to learn. 
professional, your brain never stops learning. 
Neuroscience has shown us that your brain dies when you stop thinking.

I'll do  it...   |  Discovering new Thinking Skills

Surely you have some experience in this field, but Algorithmic Series is a new and proven way to move your brain 
towards new horizons and goals: The development of your intelligence!



Target Audience:
  • All levels and ages
Course objective:
  • Promote the idea that DTS (Development of Thinking Skills) is a permanent activity along the entire life.
  • The improvement of intelligence through brain stimulation.
  • Development of both reasonings: Verbal and Mathematical. Beside the Creative Problem Solving.
Course prerequisites:
  • Evaluate if it is to be used as Specific Content

Description :

What is the Development of Thinking Skills (DTS)?

We know where the future is headed! Take advantage of it...
Every day technology leaves us further and further behind and leaves us at a disadvantage.
Competitiveness is very tough and the real opportunities are oversized.
On the other hand, our capacities are reduced by the new tools and the vertiginous development of the new needs
of modern man.

For what is it...  | Mathematical and Verbal Reasoning

I find three facets in this problem:
  1. We need to improve our mathematical reasoning.
  2. In addition, we need to energize our personal expressiveness (verbal reasoning)
  3. So, this is the best way to improve Creative Problem Solving Tasks.

For what helps us... | Creative Problem Solving

Exactly! The bussness world requires more preparated people in this three aspects:

More structured... More clear... More fast



John Doe

Arturo Juárez Muñoz

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Course Content : Expand all sections

  • 2 sections
  • 6 lectures
  • 00h 17m total length

To awaken students' interest in the importance of practicing DTS as a life strategy.

Promotion of the idea of the great importance of practicing DTS throughout life.

A great start through numeric series as the beginning of brain stimulation.

Micro Course DHP Level 2 Serie 1 Exercises Online (Numerical Series).pdf

A brief dive into such basic algorithms and their application in the real world.

Micro Course DHP Level 2 Serie 1 Exercises Online (Algorithmic Series 4100).pdf

A deep dive into such complex algorithms and their application in the real world.

Micro Course DHP Level 2 Serie 1 Exercises Online (Analogic Alhorithm Series 4102).pdf

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