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In this course, we will discuss :
1. What is the meaning of Email
2. What are the three methods of communication
3. Email is only one of the ways of written communication. Discuss.
4. Why email is preferred over letters as a means of communication?
5. What are the various types of email?
6. What are the advantages of email?
7. DO’s and Don’ts in email writing or Tips for writing email
8. Understanding the format of email in detail
9. What is the meaning of “Cc” and “Bcc” in email?
10. The body of the email is usually divided into three sub categories. What are those?
11. Whether we have to mention “date” while writing the email?
12. In how many days does an email take to reach a person living in another country?
13. Understanding Formal/Informal/Semi-formal emails by way of examples-
i) Write an email to place an order for the purchase of stationery items for your organization. (formal email)
ii) Write an email to Education Minister inviting him as Chief Guest on school Annual Sports Day. (formal email)
iii) Draft an email to your friend inviting him to the birthday party of your brother. (informal email)
iv) Draft an email to your friend accepting his invitation to attend his birthday party. (informal email)
v) Draft an email to your friend refusing his invitation to attend his birthday party. (informal email)
vi) Draft an email to your landlord for the repair of the roof of your room. (semi-formal email)
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In this course, we will discuss : 1. What is the meaning of Email? 2. Why email is preferred over letters as a means of communication? 3. What are the various types of email? 4. What are the various advantages of email? 5. DO’s and Don’ts in email writing or Tips for writing email. 6. Format of email 7. Understanding Formal, Informal and Semi-formal emails by way of examples
1. Meaning of Email 2. Three methods of communication 3. Email is only one of the ways of written communication. 4. Why email is preferred over letters as a means of communication?
1. What are the various types of email? 2. What are the advantages of email? 3. DO’s and Don’ts in email writing or Tips for writing email
1. Understanding the format of email in detail 2. What is the meaning of “Cc” and “Bcc” in email? 3. The body of the email is usually divided into three sub categories. What are those? 4. Whether we have to mention “date” while writing the email? 5. In how many days does an email take to reach a person living in another country?
Understanding Formal/Informal/Semi-formal emails by way of examples
1.What is the meaning of Communication? 2.What is the objective of communication? 3.What are the various elements of communication cycle? 4.What
In this course, we will learn the following : 1. What is the meaning of Direct Speech and Indirect Speech? 2. How to change the reporting verb? 3
What is the meaning of resume?What is the purpose of a resume?Whether resume is an exhaustive list of everything you have ever done? Comment.Why shoul
1. What is the meaning of speech writing? 2. Why is speech writing different from any other written communication? 3. What is meant by Informative
What is the meaning of Tenses? What are the various types of Tenses? What is present tense and its types i.e. Present Simple, Present Continuous,
Whether you are writing an email or creating a resume, we should ensure that our writing is correct by avoiding grammar mistakes. If we spend some t
1. What is the meaning of Speech? 2. What is meant by Speech Writing? 3. How writing a speech is different from writing any other piece of written
1. What is the meaning of Presentation Skills? 2. For whom the presentation skills are essential? 3. What do you mean by Good Presentation Skills?
Soft Skills are those unique attributes that facilitates great communication. They can be the special way that you show confidence in challenging si
1. What is the meaning of debate? 2. What is the meaning of debate writing? 3. Whether there is any difference in taking part in a debate and deba
What is the meaning of an interview? What are the objectives of an interview from the employer’s point of view? How interview is
Now people prefer to use Blogs and other Digital formats to write Diary but the traditional style of writing in a Paper Diary is still a popular form
In this course, we will discuss: 1. What is an invitation and why is it used for? 2. Invitation letters are of two types. Which are those types?
1. Application for sick leave 2. Application to the Librarian for issuance of some books 3. Application to the Principal for the remission of fine
What are the various tips to improve presentation skills? To create an effective presentation, we should understand our audience. Why?
In this course, we will learn : 1.What is the meaning of Letter ?- Letter is a written message conveyed from one person to another person generally
Our memory is limited. We cannot remember all the information all the time. Note-making is quite useful to students. At the time of examinations, it
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MICRO CURSO | MICRO COURSE Este Micro-Curso o Micro-Course, aborda un tema en particular. Su contenido es compartido con otros cursos y puede ser uti