How to View and Study your Purchased Course

Updated on: August 23, 2022

You can access all your courses from your Learner Dashboard. You can click on your profile and then click on the "Learner Dashboard" or click here to access it after login. You can refer to this article to know more about the Learner Dashboard.

Your purchased course can be in any of the following categories:

  • Purchased Courses
  • Current Courses
  • Completed Courses

You can click on your course to open it and then you can access all the chapters or lectures of that course. Click on the lecture to open it on a new tab and you can view the lecture videos.

How to Mark / Unmark completion of a Lecture

Every published course has video lectures and may have supporting reading materials if provided by the instructor. Every reading item has a checkbox in front of it. If you finish the associated video, then the checkbox is selected. Alternately, you can manually mark / unmark by clicking the checkboxes.