How to Access Your Purchased Courses

Updated on: August 09, 2022

You can access all the courses that you have purchased from your Learner Dashboard. You can click here to access your Learner Dashboard after logging in to your account.

The Learner Dashboard shows 6 categories:

  1. Saved Courses - This shows the courses which you have added to your wishlist
  2. Purchased Courses - This is the list of the courses that you have purchased but haven't started them.
  3. Current Courses - Once you start a course, it moves from Purchased Courses to Current Courses. You can see the completion %, as well, to indicate how much have you completed in the course. This percentage is just an indicative number and is not 100% accurate. The completion % is calculated by dividing the duration of the marked lectures with the overall duration of the course. The completion % doesn't account for any supplementary documents which may have been uploaded by the Instructor.
  4. Completed Courses
    1. In case of Published Courses, once you have gone through all the lectures completely, or manually marked each of the lectures as completed, then it moves from Current Courses to Completed Courses. If you manually uncheck the completion of any of the courses, then it moves back to the Current Courses.
    2. In case of Private and Group Courses, it will show the classes which you have already attended.
  5. Group Courses - This lists all the current Group / Batch classes.
  6. Private Courses - This lists all the current private classes.

You can click on "Show More" on the right side of any of the categories to view all the courses within that category.