How to Access Your Reviews and Ratings

Updated on: August 31, 2022

The Reviews and Ratings screen shows the feedback given by your students for your courses. You can access the Reviews and Ratings through your instructor dashboard. Please read this article to know more about the instructor dashboard.

On the instructor dashboard, you can see the summary of the ratings and reviews, which shows you how many ratings have you received and how many students have posted reviews for your courses.

You can click on Show More in the tile of Learners and Reviews to see the detailed reviews and ratings. Alternately, you can hover your cursor over the left-hand menu to expand it and then click on Learners and Reviews.

Here, you can see the details by each course. You can, also, filter the details using the time filter on the top right side of the table. You can access the Reviews and Comments posted by your learners by clicking on the course name. This will open the course detail page on another tab. You can scroll down to see the tabs for Rating and Reviews.