How to Access My Publications

Updated on: August 24, 2022

My Publications is the central repository where you can see all your published courses. You can access My Publications through the Instructor Dashboard. Please refer to this article to know more about Instructor Dashboard.

You can click on My Publications on the Dashboard.

Alternately, you can hover over the left-hand menu to expand it and then click on My Publications.

You have 4 different tabs on My Publications to see your published courses in different states. You can create a new Published Course by clicking on "Create New Course".

Tab 1 - Published

This will show the list of all the published courses that are live and available on ABCLearnings. As shown in the above figure, this tab has the below information:

  • Course Title - The name / title of the course.
  • Publication Date - This is the date on which this course was published on ABCLearnings.
  • Enrolments - The number of learners who have purchased / enrolled in your course.
  • Revenue - The revenue from this course.
  • Course Details - Description of this course.
  • Share - Here, you have the option to share your course on your social media to attract more viewers from your community.

On the top right side, there is a filter to filter the courses based on date.

Tab 2 - Draft

This will show the list of the published courses that are in draft mode and have not been submitted to ABCLearnings.

On the right side, in the column of Action, there are 4 options

  • View After Purchase - This shows the course view after purchase.
  • View Before Purchase - This shows the course view before purchase.
  • Edit - You can edit the course through this option.
  • Delete - You can delete the draft course.

Tab 3 - Rejected

This tab shows the course which has been rejected by the admin. Although the probability of the rejection is too low, there may be situations in which the admin may have to reject the course. The reason of rejection will also be available. The action column will have the same options as in the Draft tab. You can make the necessary changes and re-submit the course.

Tab 4 - Awaiting Approval

In this tab, you can see the courses which has been submitted to the admin but has not been made available on ABCLearnings.