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1. What is the full form of ACID?
2. Which are the fundamental principles of a Database Management System?
3. What is meant by Atomicity?
4. What is the meaning of Consistency?
5. What is meant by Isolation?
6. What is the meaning of Durability?
7. Why ACID properties are essential in DBMS?
8. What are the various components of DBMS?
9. What is meant by the DBMS hardware?
10. Which are the three kinds of people who interact with the DBMS?
11. What is meant by Database Access Language?
12. Who introduced Relational Database Model?
13. On which idea, the Relational model is based?
14. What are the key concepts or components of the Relational Model?
15. What are the various advantages of the relational model?
16. What is meant by Primary Key?
17. What is the meaning of Foreign Key?
18. What is Composite Key?
19. What is the meaning of null values with reference to primary key?
20. Whether a primary key can allow null values and if not, why?
21. Whether a table can have multiple foreign keys?
Whether a primary key from one table can be used as foreign key in more than one another table?
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After going through this course, the students will understand: What is the full form of ACID in Database Management System? What is meant by Atomicity? What is the meaning of Consistency? What is meant by Isolation? What is the meaning of Durability? Why ACID properties are essential in DBMS? What are the various components of DBMS? What is meant by the DBMS hardware? Which are the three kinds of people who interact with the DBMS? What is meant by Database Access Language? Who introduced Relational Database Model? On which idea, the Relational model is based? What are the key concepts or components of the Relational Model? What is meant by Primary Key, Foreign Key and Composite Key? Whether a primary key can allow null values? Whether a table can have multiple foreign keys? Whether a primary key from one table can be used as foreign key in more than one another table?
What is the full form of ACID? Which are the fundamental principles of a Database Management System? What is meant by Atomicity? What is the meaning of Consistency? What is meant by Isolation? What is the meaning of Durability? Why ACID properties are essential in DBMS?
What are the various components of DBMS? What is meant by the DBMS hardware? Which are the three kinds of people who interact with the DBMS? What is meant by Database Access Language?
Who introduced Relational Database Model? On which idea, the Relational model is based? What are the key concepts or components of the Relational Model? What are the various advantages of the relational model?
What is meant by Primary Key? What is the meaning of Foreign Key? What is Composite Key? What is the meaning of null values with reference to primary key? Whether a primary key can allow null values and if not, why? Whether a table can have multiple foreign keys? Whether a primary key from one table can be used as foreign key in more than one another table?
1. What is meant by Data? 2. What is the meaning of information? 3. What are the various differences between data and information? 4. Which is us
1. What is the full form of DBMS? 2. What is meant by Database management system? 3. What is the benefit of DBMS to users? 4. How DBMS mana
1. What are the various advantages of DBMS? 2. What is meant by Data Independence? 3. What is the meaning of Data Redundancy? 4. What is meant by
1. What are the current trends and areas of interest in DBMS? 2. What is meant by Open source DBMS? 3. What is the meaning of Cloud-based DBMS? Wh
1. What is meaning of “Data”? 2. What are the main differences between “Data” and “Information”? 3. What is me