How to Edit Your Contact details

Updated on: August 01, 2022

To view / edit your contact details on computer or laptop, click on your name or photo at the top right side of the website.

Click on "Profile" to go to your profile page, where you can view / edit your information.

You can see 6 tabs on the profile page to save different types of information. This article covers the "Contact Details" and "Billing Details" tabs.

Contact Details

Here, you can view / edit your address information.

Your complete address is not shared with anyone, except the Country. All the above information is accessible to the admin of the platform.

Billing Details

If you want to purchase any course, there may be applicable taxes added to your course amount. By default, the tax is based on your default profile address. However, you can set your billing address, as well, and the tax will be calculated based on the billing address. You can create multiple billing addresses.

These addresses are not shared with anyone, except the admin of the platform.