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In this course, we will discuss:
1. What is the meaning of business? Why is business considered an economic activity?
2. What is the difference between Economic activities and non-Economic activities?
3. What are the important characteristics of business?
4. Compare business with profession and employment.
5. Explain a few objectives of the business.
6. Explain business activities that are auxiliaries to trade.
7. What factors are to be considered while starting a business? Explain.
8. How would you classify business activities?
9. Define Industry. Explain various types of industries giving examples.
10. Describe the activities relating to commerce.
11. What is meant by business risk? Write a few lines on the nature of business risks.
12. State the causes of risks involved in the business?
13. Business enterprises constantly face two types of risk. What are those risks?
14. How does business contribute to the economic development of a country?
15. Critical analysis of business's role in India's growth and development.
16. If a businessman has “Profit maximization” as his sole objective, can he succeed in the long run?
17. All industries are dependent on each other and affect each other’s functioning? Discuss.
18. What do you mean by Internal Trade, External Trade, and Entrepot trade?
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In this course, we will discuss: 1. What is the meaning of business? Why is business considered an economic activity? 2. What is the difference between Economic activities and non-Economic activities? 3. What are the important characteristics of business? 4. Compare business with profession and employment. 5. Explain a few objectives of the business. 6. Explain business activities that are auxiliaries to trade. 7. What factors are to be considered while starting a business? Explain. 8. How would you classify business activities? 9. Define Industry. Explain various types of industries giving examples. 10. Describe the activities relating to commerce. 11. What is meant by business risk? Write a few lines on the nature of business risks. 12. State the causes of risks involved in the business? 13. Business enterprises constantly face two types of risk. What are those risks? 14. How does business contribute to the economic development of a country? 15. Critical analysis of the role of business in the growth and development of India.
1. What is the meaning of Business? 2. Business is considered to be an economic activity. Why? 3. Human activities can be broadly classified into two groups. Name those groups. 4. Differentiate between Economic and Non-economic activities. 5. What are the characteristics of business activities?
1. Economic activities are of three types. Name those types. 2. What is the difference between Business, Profession, and Employment? 3. What are the objectives of business? 4. If a businessman has “Profit maximization” as his sole objective, can he succeed in the long run? 5. India is only one of the few countries that have made CSR activity for big companies mandatory. Discuss.
1. What are those factors that need to be considered for starting the business? 2. While selecting a line of business, we should pay attention to certain points. What are those? 3. Why a person should choose the location of a business enterprise carefully? 4. Finance is required for starting and running a business. What are the various sources for financing the business?
1. Business activities may be classified into two broad categories. What are those? 2. What do you mean by Industry? 3. All industries are dependent on each other and affect each other’s functioning? Discuss. 4. Industries may be classified into three broad categories. What are those? 5. Name the two types of Primary industries. 6. What do you mean by Secondary industries? Name two types of secondary industries. 7. Name the four types of manufacturing industries. 8. What is the meaning of Tertiary industries?
1. What is the meaning of Commerce? 2. Name two types of activities that are included in Commerce. 3. What is the meaning of Trade? What are the two types of trade? 4. What do you mean by Internal Trade, External Trade, and Entrepot trade? 5. What do you mean by Auxiliaries to trade? How do these activities facilitate the purchase and sale of goods? 6. What is the role of commerce in the removal of hindrances in the process of exchange of goods and services?
1. What is the meaning of Business Risks? 2. Business enterprises constantly face two types of risks. What are those? 3. What is the nature of Business Risks? 4. What are the causes of Business Risks? 5. What do you mean by Insurable Risk and Non-insurable Risk? 6. What is the difference between Speculative Risks and Pure Risks?
1. How does business play a major role in the growth and development of any nation and why business is regarded as a backbone of the Economy? Discuss. 2. Entrepreneurship is crucial for the overall economic development of a nation. 3. What are the various benefits of businesses to society? 4. Businesses create jobs. Discuss. 5. Businesses also help society by way of Philanthropy? 6. Critical analysis of the role of business in the growth and development of India.
In this course, we will discuss: 1. What are the various forms of business organizations? 2. What is meant by Sole proprietorship? Give two exampl
In this course, we will discuss: What is the meaning of Joint Stock Company? What are the various features of a Joint Stock Company? Brief ex